What is J-Phil and what is new about its approach?

There are a growing number of individual scholars who work on Jewish philanthropy-related topics, and a growing number of individual studies of Jewish philanthropic practice. Our goal, beyond supporting more research, is to bring different kinds of research together in pursuit of a more integrated understanding—social scientific approaches, historical study, ethnography, the study of relevant texts and traditions, ethical inquiry, legal study, public policy-related research, among other approaches.

Much of the work supported by the initiative will be focused on the United States, but we aim to promote research into all the contexts in which Jewish life has developed, American and global, present and past. Our goal, beyond supporting more research, is to bring different kinds of research–social scientific, historical, ethnographic, textual, ethical, legal, and public policy-related, among other approaches–together in pursuit of a more integrated understanding.

Does J-Phil work with philanthropic organizations in need of expertise?

J-Phil is about supporting basic research in the study of Jewish philanthropy. It is not intended as a consultancy that can advise individual organizations about how to do their work or evaluate applications. It is, however, interested in sharing knowledge and aims to involve people beyond academia, and will work to organize occasional workshops and courses to introduce new research to leaders and professionals in the philanthropic world.

How can I read more about the research J-Phil is supporting?

J-Phil is working to develop a new venue for the publication of research. Whether that is a new journal or a book series or some other venue is not yet determined. In the meantime, we will use this website—our “Worth Reading” section—to call attention to new studies, and will also be working with the web publication HistPhil, which publishes research in the broader field of philanthropic studies, to share new work as well.

I am a scholar, student or someone working in the philanthropic world, and I want to become involved. How can I do so?

Contact us—Steve Weitzman at wsteve@upenn.edu or Lila Corwin Berman at lcberman@temple.edu